
These words are my living, the spark at my center,
that burns me at times into calm, into clear, into
deep moving still waters; come will you enter, or turn
me around and not bother to hear?
I'm singing my soul, but no one has an ear.
My soul is my body, my heart and my being are linked
in the thought of a sharing with you.
Your eyes are both open but what are you seeing?
the thought in my words and in all that I do,
is simply the blending of one out of two.
All I am asking is someone to share,
to touch me, to feel me, but no one will dare.
My words are for you, though I know you don't care,
and for somebody somewhere.......

2 koices:

Anónimo disse...

Orlando deixou-te muito inspirado!:)

Anónimo disse...

Amigo...também está bem assim!!!

Anónimo disse...

Orlando deixou-te muito inspirado!:)

Anónimo disse...

Amigo...também está bem assim!!!